6 Tips for seeing the person and not the Disability

6 Tips for seeing the person and not the Disability are satisfied

If you haven’t spent much time interacting with people who have disability, you might feel unsure about how to best interact with them. However, it all boils down to one tip “interact with them as you do with normal people” individuals who have any kind of disability prefer to be treated as normal.

Here, we will give you 6 tips to help you feel more confident while interacting with people who have disability.

1. Don’t use their assisting devices without their permission
Don’t touch or use their assisting devices such as canes, wheel chair or guiding animals without their permission. People with disability consider their assisting devices as part of themselves so if you touch or use them without their permission, they might get offended.

Do not relocate their wheelchair without their permission and do not take their guiding animals away from them without their consent. People with any kind of disability hate it when their guiding pets get separated from them.

2. Ask First
Never help them without their permission. It’s better to ask them “would you like some help” or “May I help you” then help them if they give you permission. Otherwise respect their decision and do not get offended. May be doing house chores on their own make them feel independent and empowered and when you interrupt and start doing them in their house without asking for their permission, it might make them distress.

Let’s take an example of blind people. Do you know? They have designated a place for everything so if you start doing chores without their permission, you might relocate their things that can cause them problem.

3. Treat them as normal human beings
Treat them as you treat a normal human being. See them as a person first. Most of the people who have a disability have an awesome sense of humor. Enjoy the conversation with them instead of making them feel belittle.

If you face difficulty in starting the conversation with them just start by saying “hello” with a friendly smile on your face. As you do with normal human beings.

4. Person first vs Identity First Language
Use people first language. Instead of saying “Disabled Person” say “Person with a disability” instead of “bound to wheelchair” or “wheelchair confined” say “wheelchair user” However, some people with disability prefer to be called by their disability because they see it as a part of their identity. You might see them calling themselves “I am autistic’ instead of “I have Autism”.

So, it would be better to ask them how they would prefer to be called.

Read disability etiquettes to know more!

5. Speak with them at your usual pace, tone, and volume
Don’t speak too loudly. Remember a blind person is not deaf. Speak with them at your usual pace. However, if you see that the other person is having difficulty in understanding what you are saying, adjust your pace accordingly.

6. Respect people with all kinds of disabilities
We only empathize with people who have any kind of physical disability, and we often neglect people with hidden handicapped. Let’s take an example of people with mental diseases. We should respect them too!

There are also people who have comprehension problem. They might have difficulty in remembering things so it would be helpful for them if you use other forms of communication while communicating with them such as written notes.

Mates Care January 31, 2023
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