7 tips on staying connected and enjoying better life

7 tips on staying connected and enjoying better life

As a person with disability, staying connected and enjoying life at home can be a challenge. But with the right mindset and resources, it's possible to create a fulfilling and meaningful experience. In this blog post, we'll be sharing some tips on how to stay connected and enjoy life at home as a special person. From staying in touch with loved ones to finding ways to engage in hobbies and activities, we'll explore some practical strategies for making the most of your time at home. We'll also be highlighting some resources and organizations that can provide additional support and help you connect with others in the disabled community. So if you're looking for ways to stay connected and make the most of your time at home, keep reading!

1. Use technology to stay connected with friends and family, such as video chat, social media, and instant messaging.
Technology has made it easier to stay connected with our loved one. Call your friend or a family member who you feel comfortable talking to whenever you feel isolated, sad, or depress.

Always connect with people who have a positive energy, they have a tendency to light up your mood, find out them in your circle and then stick with them. Call or message them whenever you feel down and trust me, the huge smile on their face and their great sense of humor will light up your whole day with positive energy, laughter, and gratitude!

2. Listen to music, watch movies, and read books to keep yourself entertained.
Don’t let your disability make you feel less empowered. You have all the right on earth to be happy as any other person could. Light on some scented candles, turn on your favorite music, and pick your favorite gene to read whatever it is. For me, it is criminal mystery as it keeps me hook till the end. Choose whatever genre works best for you!

Or if you are not really a reading person, watch your favorite movie to keep yourself entertained.

3. Create a safe and comfortable living environment, such as making sure you have the right equipment and support you need to move around your home.
Make a secure system that works for you. If you are a blind person, design a specific place for everything. This will help you to do house chores on your own. Buy all the necessary support equipment or if you can afford, hire a disability support service provider. We have trained, highly professional disability assistants that will assist you in daily chores and in moving around.

By hiring a caretaker, you will feel empowered and independent while taking help from your friend or a family member might make you feel less empowered and dependent.

4. Consider seeking out professional help, such as therapy or counseling, to help with feelings of isolation and loneliness
It’s never too late to seek out professional help. You can find a highly qualified and experienced therapist or a counselor online. Schedule an online appointment by talking with them and speak all your heart to them. This will not only help you feel lighted but will also make you feel more confident and heard. The same feeling, we get while talking to a close friend.

5. Find online communities of people with similar interests or experiences.
We always feel comfortable with people who have same interests as ours. There are lots of online communities of people with disability such as Facebook groups, forums etc. Join them and keep posting informative stuff in those groups or simply share what you feel. You will see lots of comments below your post of people sharing similar experiences.

6. Try to have a schedule and routine to keep yourself organized and productive
Routines help us keep productive and organized. Set a proper time for eating, sleeping, and performing important tasks. This will keep you busy and you don’t have time to talk negatively to yourself about your disability.

7. Reach out to local support groups or organizations for individuals with disabilities for additional resources and support"
Find help and support from groups or organizations in your local area that are specifically for people with disabilities. These groups or organizations may have resources and information about disability. For example, they may have information about support workers, financial assistance, and therapy. Connect with these groups and organizations for extra aid and support.

Mates Care January 31, 2023
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